

  • 惊悚 
  • 荣飞 王影璐 刘锡明 王李丹妮 
  • 一场突如其来的海啸,将海外华人姜芃与女儿姜小湖困在东南亚唐人街,姜芃父女与唐人街众人齐心协力,与海啸带来的巨兽奋力搏杀,历经生死后发现原来不是天灾而是人祸,姜芃戳穿幕后黑手阴谋,拼尽一切,终于守护住平一场突如其来的海啸,将海外华人姜芃与女儿姜小湖困在东南亚唐人街,姜芃父女与唐人街众人齐心协力,与海啸带来的巨兽奋力搏杀,历经生死后发现原来不是天灾而是人祸,姜芃戳穿幕后黑手阴谋,拼尽一切,终于守护住平淡幸福的生活。
  • 惊悚 冒险 灾难 
  • 荣飞 王影璐 刘锡明 王李丹妮 霍卫民 李洋 石建康 李延 李栋 希童 
  • After his wife passed away, Jiang Peng, a Chinese struggling for life in Southeast Asia, had to liveAfter his wife passed away, Jiang Peng, a Chinese struggling for life in Southeast Asia, had to live alone with his daughter, who is in the middle of the rebellious period. Because of a tsunami out of nowhere, they were trapped in the Chinatown, and Gustav, a crocodile, got out of the cage and cruelly took many lives away. In spite of all the hardships and difficulties, people defeated the evil and regained their peaceful and harmonious life in the end.