

  • 恐怖 
  • Leo Ramsey Devin McGregor Ketko 蒂莫西·李·德普利斯特  
  • Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after a toll of hardships, but instead falls into a dark journey and trail of events that are based on his real life unexplained mysterious death.
  • 剧情 
  • Greg Calderone Georgina Reilly Kerr Hewitt 
  • 这是真实还是梦境?布鲁诺一觉醒来,发现自己暗恋多年的女孩,卡洛琳,就依偎在他的身旁!但明天,就在明天,卡洛琳要启程前往法国求学,或是这是卡洛琳给予童年好友布鲁诺这个奇迹般礼物的唯一解释。所以今晚,就剩这是真实还是梦境?布鲁诺一觉醒来,发现自己暗恋多年的女孩,卡洛琳,就依偎在他的身旁!但明天,就在明天,卡洛琳要启程前往法国求学,或是这是卡洛琳给予童年好友布鲁诺这个奇迹般礼物的唯一解释。所以今晚,就剩今晚,是布鲁诺在卡洛琳离开前拴住她芳心的最后机会!\r\n而今晚正是卡洛琳最爱的乐团——崩世光景(Broken Social Scene) ——举办大型户外演唱会的日子。如果,只是如果,布鲁诺能弄到这超抢手的演唱会门票,让今晚成为卡洛琳永难忘怀的一夜,或许,这场梦境般的奇迹能不可思议地延续下去!面对不再遥不可及的女神,布鲁诺能否把握这千载难逢的夜晚,用狂热的摇滚乐融化卡洛琳的心防,顺利在如痴如醉的乐迷人潮中,坠入无比浪漫的情网呢?
  • 纪录片 爱情 剧情 纪录 
  • Sophie Schütt Ralf Bauer Julia Malik Jan Gregor Kremp Simone Kabst 
  • After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a hAfter finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.\r\nMartin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.\r\nWhen Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.\r\nAfter one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.\r\nAt a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.\r\nMartin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.\r\nWhen Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.\r\nBut when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.\r\nThe only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...\r\nJust when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!\r\nHowever, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...
  • 动作 科幻 剧情 
  • 尼古拉斯·霍尔特 柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲 艾丽·范宁 迈克尔·珊农 Alex McGregor 
  • 欧内斯特和他的儿子杰罗姆花掉了家里最后一笔积蓄买了一头机器人骡子,他们决定用这头电子骡子为在山上钻井的工作人员运送口粮。他们从未想过,这一举动竟然完全改变了他们的未来。费莱姆对欧内斯特的女儿玛丽设下陷欧内斯特和他的儿子杰罗姆花掉了家里最后一笔积蓄买了一头机器人骡子,他们决定用这头电子骡子为在山上钻井的工作人员运送口粮。他们从未想过,这一举动竟然完全改变了他们的未来。费莱姆对欧内斯特的女儿玛丽设下陷阱,目的只为取回属于他的土地,因为他的父亲在21世纪工业化养殖的全盛时期曾经拥有过这片土地。随着弗莱姆的精于算计和天衣无缝的谎言,他的阴谋正一步步走向实现。而这一系列行动将永远改变他们年轻的命运。而欧内斯特的儿子杰罗姆也将做出一个艰难的抉择……
  • 喜剧 奇幻 恐怖 犯罪 
  • 凯伦·布莱克 Gregory Blair 席亚拉·卡特 Patrick Holder 斯泰西·基齐 
  • 颓唐邋遢的哈伯曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电颓唐邋遢的哈伯曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电话找来自己的粉丝以及唯一好友——刚刚通过医生考试的青年德文。醉醺醺的哈伯声称要从事人偶生意,而且还送给德文一个大号的Ooga Booga土著人偶。归家途中,德文意外遭遇一场抢劫案,谁知报警后却被带有种族偏见的警察当作劫犯射杀。德文含冤而死,未曾料他的灵魂却附到那个可怕的Ooga Booga人偶身上。
  • 爱情 喜剧 
  • Eva Vejmelková Ivan Balis Jan Gec Eva Gregánová Jirí Bábek 
  • 斯洛伐克影史上传奇性的代表作之一。导演杜珊·哈波斯藉由这部影片描述城市中年轻男女的悲喜生活。这些年轻人必须面对真实人生,并学习浪漫爱情有时可能也会带来伤害。本片虽然历史悠久,但是片中音乐气氛的营造让本斯洛伐克影史上传奇性的代表作之一。导演杜珊·哈波斯藉由这部影片描述城市中年轻男女的悲喜生活。这些年轻人必须面对真实人生,并学习浪漫爱情有时可能也会带来伤害。本片虽然历史悠久,但是片中音乐气氛的营造让本片在斯洛伐克影史上占有一席之地。
  • 家庭 喜剧 动画 剧情 
  • Duncan Watson Greg Felton 
  • 这个暑假,查理布朗带著《花生漫画》的同伴到西部露营。岂料,在当地遇上一群恶霸。恶霸们跟查理及史努比等展开连番恶斗,并挑衅查理及花生漫画同伴们在大河急流中来个大对决,查理及史努比等人于是经历了一场险象环这个暑假,查理布朗带著《花生漫画》的同伴到西部露营。岂料,在当地遇上一群恶霸。恶霸们跟查理及史努比等展开连番恶斗,并挑衅查理及花生漫画同伴们在大河急流中来个大对决,查理及史努比等人于是经历了一场险象环生的水上木筏之战。