

  • 动画 
  • Arieb Azhar Natasha Humera Ejaz Azfar Jafri Abdul Nabi Jamali Ali Rehman Khan Muhammad Usman Malik Ali Noor Anum Zaidi 
  •   影片故事改编自巴基斯坦的古老神话,主人公阿拉亚是个勇敢、自信、正义的小男孩,在拯救了一只捻角山羊后,拥有和动物说话的能力,在护送捻角山羊回家的路上与盗猎者、狼群斗智斗勇;而中国喜马拉雅地区特有的动  影片故事改编自巴基斯坦的古老神话,主人公阿拉亚是个勇敢、自信、正义的小男孩,在拯救了一只捻角山羊后,拥有和动物说话的能力,在护送捻角山羊回家的路上与盗猎者、狼群斗智斗勇;而中国喜马拉雅地区特有的动物雪豹作为主要角色之一,帮助主人公战胜盗猎者;“敬人者,人恒敬之”“患难与共”等中国典故贯穿始终。
  • 恐怖 
  • 加维诺·罗德里格斯 María Cid María Evoli Diego Gamaliel  
  • After wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way iAfter wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way into one of the last remaining buildings. Inside, they find a man who will make them a dangerous offer to survive the outside world.
  • 喜剧 家庭 剧情 
  • Neil Malik Abdullah Christoph Bittenauer Gerti Drassl 
  • 在一个幽静的小镇,有个小女孩莉莉,她是一个再正常不过的十岁女孩,直到某一天一本魔法书和小小的、笨拙的守护兽——一条小龙出现在她的房间。来自神秘魔法世界的女巫,指定了莉丽作为她的继任者。在一个幽静的小镇,有个小女孩莉莉,她是一个再正常不过的十岁女孩,直到某一天一本魔法书和小小的、笨拙的守护兽——一条小龙出现在她的房间。来自神秘魔法世界的女巫,指定了莉丽作为她的继任者。
  • 动作 冒险 剧情 历史 
  • Than Thanakorn Thitima Maliwan Nattanun Jantarawetch 
  • 神秘的命运对3个生活在现代的年轻人早有安排,他们从时光隧道入口旅行到以前的一座被遗忘的古老城市。那是暹罗的内战时代,人民正保护首都斯亚码,以免政权被推翻。一批忠于土地的村民正准备和敌军死战到底,流血事神秘的命运对3个生活在现代的年轻人早有安排,他们从时光隧道入口旅行到以前的一座被遗忘的古老城市。那是暹罗的内战时代,人民正保护首都斯亚码,以免政权被推翻。一批忠于土地的村民正准备和敌军死战到底,流血事件要开始了。。。
  • 纪录片 爱情 剧情 纪录 
  • Sophie Schütt Ralf Bauer Julia Malik Jan Gregor Kremp Simone Kabst 
  • After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a hAfter finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.\r\nMartin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.\r\nWhen Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.\r\nAfter one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.\r\nAt a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.\r\nMartin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.\r\nWhen Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.\r\nBut when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.\r\nThe only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...\r\nJust when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!\r\nHowever, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...
  • 爱情 喜剧 
  • Sirin Horwang Unsumalin Sirasakpatharamaetha 提拉德·翁坡帕 
  •   梅丽(Cris Horwang 饰)年逾30,至今未婚。眼瞅着身边的朋友出双入对,自己却始终孤身一人,难免悲从中来。情人节参加完最后一个单身朋友的结婚派对,喝得醉熏熏的梅丽在车祸后意外遇到在轻轨公  梅丽(Cris Horwang 饰)年逾30,至今未婚。眼瞅着身边的朋友出双入对,自己却始终孤身一人,难免悲从中来。情人节参加完最后一个单身朋友的结婚派对,喝得醉熏熏的梅丽在车祸后意外遇到在轻轨公司上班的大伯(Theeradej Wongpuapan 饰),大伯的热心和帅气令梅丽一见倾心。为了结束自己长达三十年的单身生涯,梅丽决定把握机会,主动出击。终于鼓起勇气走到大伯面前,可是却频发状况,还被邻居的花心小妹妹阿宝抢占先机。好不容易找到一点恋爱的感觉时,梅丽却意外在大伯扔掉的背里发现一些东西。追求爱情的路上布满荆棘,梅丽最终能否赢得属于自己的爱情?
  • 传记 音乐 剧情 
  • 马蒂娜·戈黛特 帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里 Malik Zidi 
  • 故事发生在十九世纪的德国,文艺复兴和浪漫主义的狂潮席卷而来,举国上下都弥漫着激烈而又狂热的气氛。克拉拉(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)就生活在这样一种充满了艺术气息的环境中。克拉拉故事发生在十九世纪的德国,文艺复兴和浪漫主义的狂潮席卷而来,举国上下都弥漫着激烈而又狂热的气氛。克拉拉(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)就生活在这样一种充满了艺术气息的环境中。克拉拉是一名音乐艺术家,成名很早的她年仅11岁便举行了自己的独奏会。 \r\n  在和舒曼(帕斯卡·格里高利 Pascal Greggory 饰)结婚后,克拉拉举家迁往了杜塞尔多夫定居,在那里,克拉拉和勃拉姆斯(马立克·兹迪 Malik Zidi 饰)相遇了。对于克拉拉来说,婚后的生活并不如意,经济的拮据和多病的丈夫让她肩负着巨大的压力,而克拉拉对于音乐的热爱又不允许她将其放弃全身心的投入到家庭之中。在分裂而又痛苦的生活中,只有勃拉姆斯的存在能够让她感到温暖和快乐。
  • 恐怖 喜剧 惊悚 剧情 
  • Alex Barnett Malin Bergman 麦肯·布莱尔 Amanda Bryan Michael Clomegah 
  • 一个寂寞的男人无意间拿到了一份万圣节派对的请柬,他欣喜赴约,结果穿越布鲁克林区,到达最终目的地后,他才发现原来自己被一伙流氓算计了,后者正想为了所谓的“艺术”,拿他开刀呢。一个寂寞的男人无意间拿到了一份万圣节派对的请柬,他欣喜赴约,结果穿越布鲁克林区,到达最终目的地后,他才发现原来自己被一伙流氓算计了,后者正想为了所谓的“艺术”,拿他开刀呢。
  • 泰剧 青春 欧美 
  • Pattie Ungsumalin Bank Thiti Mahayotaruk 郑逸祥 Jomjan苏维察·涩班纳芬 Best 南塔西·克迪马纳萨瓦尼 
  • 陈寻和方茴两个人在大学校园里相识,体验了人生中第一次的怦然心动,也开始了长达十几年的羁绊。在从大学到研究生的青春岁月、从千禧年到非典肆虐的年代记忆中间,他们的情感萌动、升华,最后无奈地结束。他们与好友陈寻和方茴两个人在大学校园里相识,体验了人生中第一次的怦然心动,也开始了长达十几年的羁绊。在从大学到研究生的青春岁月、从千禧年到非典肆虐的年代记忆中间,他们的情感萌动、升华,最后无奈地结束。他们与好友乔然林嘉茉 赵烨一起,曾经共同为爱情矢志不渝,坚守着心中最初的那份纯真,也曾经一起被命运捉弄,因为不愿放弃而被折磨得遍体鳞伤。在匆匆而过的岁月间,他们顽强地生长成人,却无奈地失去了彼此。这段无法忘怀的记忆,让年过30岁的陈寻释怀了人生中的遗憾,找回了少年时代的勇气,让他决心重头再来,跟随记忆的线索去寻找方茴,去追寻生命中那阳光璀璨的匆匆那年。