

  • 纪录片 爱情 剧情 纪录 
  • Sophie Schütt Ralf Bauer Julia Malik Jan Gregor Kremp Simone Kabst 
  • After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a hAfter finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.\r\nMartin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.\r\nWhen Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.\r\nAfter one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.\r\nAt a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.\r\nMartin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.\r\nWhen Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.\r\nBut when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.\r\nThe only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...\r\nJust when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!\r\nHowever, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...
  • 剧情 爱情 
  • Sophie Schütt Markus Meyer 
  • 天生丽质、但却不矫揉造作的女孩Stella在失业8次,并失去所有后,去当了一名高级的应召女郎。而她的第一个case就是被塞在蛋糕里,送给了一个飞机安全设备制造的英年才俊,又帅又有钱,就是少年时受到飞行天生丽质、但却不矫揉造作的女孩Stella在失业8次,并失去所有后,去当了一名高级的应召女郎。而她的第一个case就是被塞在蛋糕里,送给了一个飞机安全设备制造的英年才俊,又帅又有钱,就是少年时受到飞行员父亲出事的阴影,不愿向外人流露感情。他们因为在船上,只好呆在一起四个星期。其间,Stella也为了装扮成他的女朋友,而改头换面成为众人焦点。
  • 喜剧 爱情 
  • Sophie Schutt Thilo Berndt Stefan Murr 
  • 对于单亲母亲朱莉来说,生活是件不容易的事情。朱莉在一家干洗店工作,这家干洗店是朱莉从父亲那里接管过来的,现在朱莉和她的父亲,还有儿子索耶住在一起。\r\n朱莉最需要做的事情就是去认识更多的人,发展自己对于单亲母亲朱莉来说,生活是件不容易的事情。朱莉在一家干洗店工作,这家干洗店是朱莉从父亲那里接管过来的,现在朱莉和她的父亲,还有儿子索耶住在一起。\r\n朱莉最需要做的事情就是去认识更多的人,发展自己的朋友圈子,于是她定期收听艾利安妮·凯勒主持的名为《过去五年的性生活》的节目,并在节目中寻求帮助。\r\n这档节目有许多追随者,这些追随者在生活,爱情,当然还有性生活等诸多方面都渴望得到艾利安妮的帮助和建议。最近,朱莉认识了一个新的男朋友,但是她不知道该如何继续他们之间的关系。罗宾比朱莉小几岁,是一个学生,罗宾很想当一名大学教师。像朱莉这样在一家干洗店工作的单亲母亲怎么可能和一名像罗宾这样的精英保持关系呢?\r\n朱莉给艾利安妮的节目打了电话,和艾利安妮分享了她的心事。对于一名主持人来将,朱莉是一名很受欢迎的打进电话的听众,因为她的故事可以吸引更多的观众,这样就可以达到老板的要求。\r\n现在这段爱情故事出现了转机,朱莉决定放下她的疑虑,给自己和罗宾的爱情一次机会。起初一切事情进展的似乎都很顺利,直到艾利安妮意识到和朱莉在一起的那个男人就是她的儿子!\r\n艾利安妮突然改变她的想法,她坚信朱莉对于她年轻有为的儿子来讲,一点也不合适,于是她利用自己的知名电台主持人的身份和影响力来赶走朱莉……
  • 纪录片 纪录 
  • Anthony Barnosky Olivier De Schutter Emmanuel Druon 梅拉尼·罗兰 
  • 世界气候正在变化。这部纪录片没有展示可能发生的最坏情况,而是聚焦于人们提出的解决方案和他们的行动。世界气候正在变化。这部纪录片没有展示可能发生的最坏情况,而是聚焦于人们提出的解决方案和他们的行动。