

  • 欧美 
  • Lorna Watson Max Brown Jerry Iwu Miranda Raison Ami Metcalf 
  •   First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is   First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is the police's secret weapon for solving murders in this divine Father Brown spin-off.
  • 喜剧 剧情 
  • Christina Plate August Schmölzer 简·索尼克 Maximilian Krückl Elfi Eschke 
  • Once a wild child of the mountains, Sandra Hofer has been transformed into a sophisticated city girlOnce a wild child of the mountains, Sandra Hofer has been transformed into a sophisticated city girl. She now works with her friend Matthias Jansen in a very successful advertising agency in Vienna.\r\nWhen Sandra inherits a hut in the mountains from her recently deceased father, she plans to sell it. Matthias likes to buy a penthouse apartment in Vienna, but Sandra is not quite ready to commit – she simply is not yet sure that she wants to live with him.\r\nWhen she arrives in Tyrol to prepare for the cabin’s sale, she meets her father’s friends, Theres, Karl and Katti.\r\nAt first Sandra feels guilty because the three will lose their jobs, but then when she realizes that the buyer is Mayor Xaver Riemer, her father’s most hated enemy, she decides to temporarily open the cabin for the upcoming season. Theres, Karl and Katti are thrilled.\r\nBut Xaver, a spiteful man, vengefully uses every possible means at his disposal to damage Sandra’s standing in the community. His son Mark, Sandra’s teenage sweetheart, is a fair guy who frowns on his father’s methods.\r\nAdmiring her fighting spirit, Mark does what he can to help Sandra. It is not long before their old sparks reignite and they are again drawn to each other. By this point Sandra has already felt the sting of Xaver’s power. Being the mayor, he has influence on bakers, supermarkets, printers and banks and viciously manipulates them in his campaign against her.\r\nWilling to go to any length, he even finally persuades Matthias to take his side. The two devise a malicious plan, in which two visitors to the cabin are injured, leaving the authorities no choice but to close it down...
  • 动作 剧情 
  • Jane Park Smith Max Perlich Valerie Cruz 
  • 原美国特种兵杰克•坎贝尔(Max Martini 饰)因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊(Brandon Quinn 饰)被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉(Eri原美国特种兵杰克•坎贝尔(Max Martini 饰)因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊(Brandon Quinn 饰)被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉(Erin Cottrell 饰)怀有身孕,为了让妻儿生活幸福,他拼命打工赚钱,结果因赌博欠下巨额赌债,为此不得不在黑市拳组织者波普(Nick Chinlund 饰)的安排下参加黑市拳比赛,导致身受重伤。\r\n杰克发誓为弟弟报仇,四处寻找凶手,其高超身手被波普相中。在这个狡猾的组织者的策划下,杰克步入黑市拳赛场,一步步向拳场的王者艾赛亚•格里芬(Sidney S. Liufau 饰)发起挑战……
  • 喜剧 爱情 
  • Max Tidof Elena Uhlig 
  • Max is a real jerk. A long time ago, the successful lawyer had turned over all the routine duties ofMax is a real jerk. A long time ago, the successful lawyer had turned over all the routine duties of family life to his wife Nathalie.\r\nHis comfort and leisure time were a far greater priority. Sell the roadster and buy an efficient family car? No way!\r\nBut then, Max’s fast-paced life suddenly screeches to a halt when Nathalie is hospitalized for several weeks with a complicated fracture.\r\nAlone with their two children and the dog he hates, Max quickly reaches the boiling point.\r\nAs if having to play father was not bad enough, he is shocked to the core when he discovers passionate love letters written to his wife and signed “From G. in love”. Feeling that his life is slipping out of control, Max’s first impulse is to find out who his rival is. Then it dawns on him – could the way he has treated his wife be the reason why she has sought out another lover?\r\nNow Max attempts to see his situation from a different point of view. Last week he was ready to plan the yearly guys’ vacation he takes with his best buddy, but now things have changed.\r\nMax recognizes just how much he needs Nathalie’s humor, her organizing talent and her optimism, but also just how important to him she and his family really are. Max tries to discover the mysterious lover’s identity, but because of his new insight, he takes an additional step.\r\nUnfortunately, when he learns that the mystery man is Gregor, Max realizes that not only does the man have all those qualities - he is very attractive as well. His struggle to become a better husband and father suddenly becomes far more difficult.\r\nHoping to knock Gregor out of the picture and get back in Nathalie’s good graces, Max makes an appointment with a successful life coach. But turning his life around is far more difficult than he had imagined.\r\nTo make matters worse, Gregor turns out to be a loving, family-oriented man just what Nathalie needs. Max is desperate – he knows there is a real chance that he might lose Nathalie and the children.\r\nWilling to put everything on the line to keep his family intact, Max makes the biggest sacrifice of his life. Then something happens that is the very last thing he could have ever counted on…
  • 冒险 惊悚 
  • 布兰娜·布朗 瑞安·阿罗索 Marc Bacher Maxine Bahns 
  • 一群好朋友坐船出游,在遭遇了撞船事故后,他们被困在一个不知名的小岛上。在那里,他们遇到了一个原始的部落。一群好朋友坐船出游,在遭遇了撞船事故后,他们被困在一个不知名的小岛上。在那里,他们遇到了一个原始的部落。
  • 家庭 喜剧 剧情 
  • Courtnee Draper Jeremy Maxwell 约翰·内威尔 
  • 公爵主人临死前立下遗嘱,决定将自己的爵位以及遗产留给他的爱犬-修伯特,修伯特是一只巴吉度犬,它非常的聪明,同时还有一位跟它同样种类的贴心伴侣-黛西。单纯的动物大概是无法了解人心的复杂险恶,片中狗狗们的公爵主人临死前立下遗嘱,决定将自己的爵位以及遗产留给他的爱犬-修伯特,修伯特是一只巴吉度犬,它非常的聪明,同时还有一位跟它同样种类的贴心伴侣-黛西。单纯的动物大概是无法了解人心的复杂险恶,片中狗狗们的一脸无辜样,就是最好的证明。
  • 家庭 喜剧 剧情 
  • Jeremy Maxwell 约翰·内威尔 Courtnee Draper 
  • 公爵主人临死前立下遗嘱,决定将自己的爵位以及遗产留给他的爱犬-修伯特,修伯特是一只巴吉度犬,它非常的聪明,同时还有一位跟它同样种类的贴心伴侣-黛西。单纯的动物大概是无法了解人心的复杂险恶,片中狗狗们的公爵主人临死前立下遗嘱,决定将自己的爵位以及遗产留给他的爱犬-修伯特,修伯特是一只巴吉度犬,它非常的聪明,同时还有一位跟它同样种类的贴心伴侣-黛西。单纯的动物大概是无法了解人心的复杂险恶,片中狗狗们的一脸无辜样,就是最好的证明。