

  • 动作 灾难 
  • 艾米 尹昭德 脑门额尔德尼 黄劲棠 李若希 张舸 何波 吕宇 范富林 袁国纲 
  • 魏佳欢生日这天,魏成功陪她登上环海游艇。然而海面危机四伏,蛇形黑影游动,一阵剧烈的震荡袭来,整艘游艇侧翻。众乘客纷纷落水。魏成功没能抓住女儿,二人分开掉落水中。魏成功自哭喊声中醒来,发现自己身处一荒岛魏佳欢生日这天,魏成功陪她登上环海游艇。然而海面危机四伏,蛇形黑影游动,一阵剧烈的震荡袭来,整艘游艇侧翻。众乘客纷纷落水。魏成功没能抓住女儿,二人分开掉落水中。魏成功自哭喊声中醒来,发现自己身处一荒岛,周围幸存者处于绝望恐慌之中。寻找女儿时,魏成功目睹她被大蛇叼走,激烈争执后,魏成功等人踏上了营救之路。另一边,魏佳欢等人在逼仄的蛇穴中奋力求生。危难时刻,人性承受着巨大的考验。救援队沿路追寻,在这片与世隔绝的丛林里,无数怪异的史前生物暗藏其中,人脸树、飞鱼鲳、巨型蛤蟆…营救女儿的遥遥之途布满杀机。
  • 惊悚 恐怖 悬疑 
  • 王子清 董小白 黄佳军 乐乐 袁国纲 赵美钧 乔以琳 田茹 西陌 
  • Yumei is an orphan of her former parents. Because of the orphan of the traumatized parents, the memoYumei is an orphan of her former parents. Because of the orphan of the traumatized parents, the memories of the traumatized general passed away. She thought it was her parents who abandoned herself. She was kind and active and sensitive, and even her sister’s concern for herself was also affected. Distortion is a mistake. It was only when she was finally dying that she thought about the world and let her understand that only by letting go of the past can she actively embrace the sun and realize the full future of life.