

  • 纪录片 爱情 剧情 纪录 
  • Sophie Schütt Ralf Bauer Julia Malik Jan Gregor Kremp Simone Kabst 
  • After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a hAfter finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited.\r\nMartin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer had failed. Now broke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shopping malls to make ends meet.\r\nWhen Claudia sees him again, her heart skips a beat.\r\nAfter one of his mall gigs, she works up the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big superstar, is just too good for her.\r\nAt a publishing company’s celebration Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biography – to cover up his failure as a pop star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.\r\nMartin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to help him. When the director reads the first excerpts, he is enthusiastic.\r\nWhen Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To impress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.\r\nBut when her friends also show up unexpectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exposed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily breaks off all contact with him.\r\nEven when he begs for her forgiveness, she simply does not want to hear it.\r\nThe only thing she wants is to finish the biography. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...\r\nJust when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biography, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!\r\nHowever, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two spend a passionate night together, and her writer’s block disappears. But when the book is formally presented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin completely out of her life, but this time for good...
  • 犯罪 喜剧 家庭 
  • Jan-Gregor Kremp Ingo Naujoks 
  • 已婚夫妇莫妮卡和赫尔穆特,Sabine和阿里巴巴,妮可和弗兰克是多年的好朋友。他们都过体面的生活和住在同一个街区。但当亚马逊因为犯了一个愚蠢的错误而失去了他的工作,不能让他支付起现在的一切,所以六个人已婚夫妇莫妮卡和赫尔穆特,Sabine和阿里巴巴,妮可和弗兰克是多年的好朋友。他们都过体面的生活和住在同一个街区。但当亚马逊因为犯了一个愚蠢的错误而失去了他的工作,不能让他支付起现在的一切,所以六个人将经历一场激进的改变…\r\n 他拼命想出一些容易挣钱的方法。为什么不直接进入当地的家装用品店呢?他无论如何有一笔帐要跟这个店的经理算的。\r\n他的哥哥弗兰克认为这个计划是疯了,但是他的兄弟支持承诺参与的疯狂计划。这笔钱肯定会派上用场,帮助消除他的婚姻危机,他最近变得很情绪化,因为他和妮可不能有孩子了。\r\n 当赫尔穆特的到来充满了激情,喜欢冒险的他愿意参加这疯狂的计划。\r\n 对于抢劫这方面,虽然他们的相对缺乏经验、盗窃切出人意料的顺利——离开三个朋友拿到手的€500.000。现在该做什么?抢劫已影响到了他们的神经,更糟的是,他们的好奇的妻子也开始注意到一些很奇怪的是正与他们的丈夫……